This page is of PEOPLE, articles & videos we find inspiring, extending our community of interdisciplinary collaborators & keeps us going.
In this video, Dan Colen speaks about his inspiration in founding Sky High Farm in 2011 as a way to address food insecurity and improve access to fresh, nutritious food for underserved communities in New York. Located in Columbia County, New York, the 40-acre farm employs sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices to raise pasture-based livestock and grow organic fruit and vegetables exclusively for donation and has given away more than 65 tons (108,333 meals) of fresh produce, meat, and eggs to date. Video: Christopher Burke Studios/Shootart
17 May, 2020
Kosmos Journal
created this short video, based on the words of John Fullerton, to support and amplify the essential work of building resilient, regenerative bioregional economies.
Collaborations with artists go beyond communicating the science
Scientists and artists are working together as never before, finds a Nature poll. Both sides need to invest time and embrace surprise and challenge.
24 February 2021 Nature Digital Magazine
How to shape a productive scientist-artist collaboration
Researchers and artists reflect on the partnerships that have created career opportunities and forged a deeper public understanding of science.
17 February 2021: Virginia Gewin
Full length available on Amazon Prime and Vimeo.
Almost a hundred years ago, a radical artistic utopia was born in the city of Weimar; Bauhaus. This is a fascinating look at how it still shapes our world today. Against the background of the 100th anniversary BAUHAUS SPIRIT not only tells art history, but also contemporary history. Bauhaus made art, design and architecture political. The result was a spatial art form that wasn't above thinking about the distance between a bathtub and a toilet or the ideal chair. We go back to the beginning and celebrate the cultural history of modern spatial thinking that is as captivating as it is enlightening.
Humanising Technology
Domhnaill Hernon, head of Experiments in Art and Technology at Nokia Bell Labs, presents his talk on humanising technology at Inspirefest 2019.
Iris van Herpen: the Most Avant-Garde Fashion Designer in History
16 Feburary 2018: Art of Style l M2M Original
How can we design ethically with increasingly opaque technologies?
Simona Maschi is co-founder and CEO of CIID
digital irish presnts: Domhnaill Hernon Experiments in Art and Technology
Domhnaill Hernon is the head of Experiments in Art and Technology (EAT) at Nokia Bell Labs. Domhnaill collaborates with the artistic and creative community to push the limits of technology to solve the greatest human need challenges. In this conversation, we talk about culture and the importance of real diversity to create great ideas.
13 April 2020: Patrick McAndrew
Collaborators in Creation
Our world is a system, in which physical and social technologies co-evolve. How can we shape a process we don’t control?
February 11, 2020 Workshop notes from Santa Fe Institute
The Eudemonic Project
Pernille Rose Gronkjaer Santa Fe workshop Collaborators in Creation
Colin Sanderson, Director of the Artiscience Library, Summerhall, Edinburgh
February 2020: Interviewed by Malcolm Jamieson
Helen Mayer and Newton Harrison
"On Mixing, Mapping, and Territory." This lecture is in conjunction with the same titled show that ran February 6 -- March 15, 2013 at the Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery curated by Shelby Graham and Mark Shunney.
Robert Rauschenberg - Pop Art Pioneer Full BBC Documentary
Fast forward to 30:25 to see Bob and Julie Martin talk about his collaborations during the 9 evenings performances
“No one of us is as smart as all of us”
Ken Blanchard teaches us three aspects of successful collaboration.
2012 TedX Talks
Cracking the Code of Sustained Collaboration
November–December 2019 Issue: Francesca Gino
Art and Science, The New Power Couple
'Quantum' curators Monica Bello and Jose-Carlos Mariategui as they discuss how the shift to a quantum way of thinking offers visitors a new set of tools to perceive, interrogate and engage with life and our shifting realities.
1 SEPT 2019
Nokia Bell Labs’ Head of Experiments in Art and Technology Fuses Unlikely Collaborators for the Betterment of Society
JULY 15, 2019: An episode of Inside VOICE By VOICE Summit
Artistic thinking key to social, business innovation
An FIU paper published in 2013, Digital Literacy: A Demand for Nonlinear Thinking Styles, highlights the merits of nonlinear thinking for visual literacy and artistic intuitive practices in education and workplaces.
Have you ever thought of combining two remarkably different fields like art and science? What happens when artists start using new technologies and scientific research as their tools? Can breaking the routines and challenging the organizational structures with artistic interventions improve the research process? Different career goals of artists and scientists can help to understand the value of one’s work from a perspective of an uncommon audience. Expand your normal thinking and find a better solution. Claudia Schnugg is a researcher and ArtScience consultant whose passion is to connect art, science, technology and business.
CES Gary's Book Club interview with Frances West, Authentic Inclusion™ Drives Disruptive Innovation
Original broadcast date: March 7, 2014. In this hour, TED speakers question whether we can experience the world more deeply by not only extending our senses — but going beyond them. Guests include artist Neil Harbisson, engineer Todd Kuiken, speech scientist Rupal Patel, and sound expert Julian Treasure.
A Beautiful Gathering of Two Worlds
Arts@Cern and Iris van Herpen. “My interest in CERN goes back a long time,” van Herpen says. “I was fascinated by discoveries like the Higgs particle, and I often checked the website for news. CERN appeared to be a magic place.”
2019: Anita van Stel
The Heart’s Knowledge Will Never Decay: A conversation between Dario Robleto and Dr. Doris Taylor
Artist Dario Robleto joins Dr. Doris Taylor of the Texas Heart Institute to explore the scientific, cultural and poetic implications of her laboratory’s groundbreaking creation of a “ghost heart”— a heart scrubbed clean of all cells so that it can be regenerated anew.
A kind of beauty
In this issue of NEA Arts, we highlight some of the people and organizations that are blending the two fields of art and science.
NEA Arts: 2013, Number 3
A self-portrait by the artist Hiroshi Sugimoto in the Oculist Witness eyeglasses he designed in 2014.CreditCreditDesigned by Hiroshi Sugimoto, Produced by Lizworks and Selima Optique, ©Hiroshi Sugimoto
Are Artists the New Interpreters of Scientific Innovation?
By Gisela Williams: September 2017
July 6, 2018: Lucy Hunter
Artists And Engineers Create The Future Of Art And Technology
By Julia Kaganskiy: Apr 2, 2012
The Art of Innovation
The idea — art of innovation — ..."connectivity across disciplines brings greater results.
2016: Ernestine Bousquet
Radical Innovation:
The Technical Report: Crossing knowledge boundaries with interdisciplinary teams.
2009: Alan F. Blackwell, Lee Wilson, Alice Street, Charles Boulton, John Knell
Artists in Industry and the Academy
Collaborative Research, Interdisciplinary Scholarship and the Creation and Interpretation of Hybrid Forms.
2005: Edward A. Shanken
We Need Interdisciplinary Teams
In this interview, the artistic director of the Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR) discusses the artist’s role in this day and age, notes that art also emerges beyond the confines of picture frames, and points out how important it is for disciplines to interconnect.
2017: Paul Dujardin
Photo: Filip Naudts
What Artists can teach us about making technology more human.
Domhnaill Hernon was leading a group of artists and engineers through a maze of of hallways at Bell Labs’ campus, as he explained the importance of E.A.T. “Trained scientists have a very different approach in their thinking,” he said. “We’re reductionist in our thinking—artists are divergent. Bringing together those two modes can be very powerful.”
2018: Elizabeth Stinson:
Photo: Beth Holzer for Wired: Domhnaill Hernon, Bell Labs's head of Experiments in Arts and Technology.
Finding Prosperity
..."With more integrated, “integral” thinking, we will learn to see our economies through these universal patterns and principles. In the process, we will learn to unlock previously unseen potential, consistent with our true reality of abundance if we only had eyes to see it. "
2018: Capital Institute
Experiments in Art and Technology
A brief History and Summary of Major Projects 1966-1998
1998: Billy Klüver
Interview: How To Build The Future With Interdisciplinary Collaboration
In this interview, council member for NASA's Innovative Advanced Concepts program Ariel Waldman speaks about how breaking down barriers between disciplines fosters creative projects for the future, and establishes unusual frameworks that allow for innovative solutions
Art and Innovation: The future of Interdisciplinarity
Interdisciplinarity is what we need, is often suggested. An approach that does not promote pigeonholing, but that takes the idea that innovation depends on bridging disciplines as its starting point.
2015: Howard Boland
Albert I, 2009. A three-dimensional sculptural model of nervous system connectivity created by artist Fré Ilgen & physicist & neuroscientist Partha Mitra.
Art–Science Collaborations — Avenues toward Medical Innovation
Art–science collaborations illuminate methods or procedures used in various disciplines that could enhance medical practice.